
The information published in this website is intended to provide information only, as such information contained should not be relied upon as, nor be a substitute for, professional advice. The benefits and information vary according to residency and domicile. The reader should independently verify the accuracy and relevance of any information provided here, before relying upon it or using it for any reason.

Anyone that uses the information published in this site does so entirely at their own risk. In relying upon the information, the visitor indemnifies Desirah DMCC against any claims or legal proceedings that may arise from that use. No liability will be accepted for any consequences arising from any transactions entered in connection with this information. Nor is the information contained in this site a solicitation to enter such a transaction, or does it constitute investment or financial advice. Pension and investment rules can be complex, and you should always seek professional advice before entering into any agreement.

Desirah DMCC does not give any warranty or other assurance as to the operation, quality, or functionality of the site. Access to the site may be interrupted, restricted, or delayed for many reasons beyond our control.

Each provision of this disclaimer statement to exclude or limit liability operates separately. If any part is held by a court to be unreasonable or inapplicable, the other parts shall continue to apply.

As part of our ongoing client care, we may occasionally contact you by email, telephone, letter or other means, to keep you informed about other products and services that may be of interest to you. Should you decide that you no longer wish to be contacted in the future, please write to us at our registered address in your jurisdiction. Schreiber Associates International is a group of several organizations, each of which is a separate legal entity registered in the relevant jurisdictions in which it operates.


Contact us

Desirah DMCC
Almas Tower, Level 54,
JLT Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Company Info

KPC Nº: KP-MEM-151178

Company Registration Nº: DMCC96629
Trade License Nº: DMCC-349267
TRN Nº: 100597405800003